chocolate log and Christmas pudding
Christmas cake
mince pie
The Olympics started in Beijing. I’m following it on TV. I can watch canoeing, sailing, cycling, equestrian and boxing almost every day. These are not what I wanted to watch. I could watch swimming, athletics and gymnastics as well. I’m watching it carefully so I don’t miss watching the Japanese athletes. Whenever I heard “Japanese” from TV, I came back in front of TV and kept watching. I could easily check the result by Internet but it was difficult to watch them on TV. I looked forward to watching baseball games, but no baseball games have been broadcasted here till now.
The topic of my English class was also about the Olympics. Each of us said the name of events in Olympics. I said “Judo”. The teacher asked us “what do they wear when they play it? What’s it called?” I thought “Judo uniform” in my mind. It was direct translation from “Judo-gi” in Japanese. I was not sure so I kept silent. Then some Spanish class mates answered “kimono”. Although I didn’t know what it’s called, I was sure it was different from “kimono”. All Japanese class mates shook our heads. The answer was “gi”. The word came from Japanese, but I didn’t know the word. I never heard of it. I checked my dictionary and found “gi” as “Judo-gi or Karate-gi”. Gee I didn’t know it. I asked about the word to my American friend and she didn’t know it. It might be British English.
By the way if I search ALC web dictionary, I knew “Judo-gi” was called “kimono” in France and some other European countries.
The weather was extremely hot in Dubai. I thought the hot weather in Dubai might affect my personality.
When I went shopping at the market, I bought some souvenirs. They didn’t put prices on each item so I asked for the price one by one. I bought three items, which were priced at 10, 15 and 20 dirham. After wrapping these three items, the clerk asked me to pay 55 dirham in total. I noticed he was cheating me. However, outside was over 43℃ and I didn’t have the motivation to quarrel about 10 dirham (300yen). I knew if I didn’t complain about the price, they might keep cheating Japanese customers. For the future Japanese customers, I might have to correct them. However I couldn’t speak up about it. I paid 55 dirham and even said “thank you” to them and left the shop.
The other day, I went to a tourist’s place to get a typical souvenir. A calligrapher wrote tourists’ names on paper in Arabic. I had an idea that I would ask for my name and my husband’s name on to be written one paper. The price showed 30 dirham for one sheet. However the calligrapher told me, “If these were two persons’ names, it would cost 60 dirham.” At that time, I felt “not again.” I said “if it cost 60 dirham, I wouldn’t ask you to write it.” Then he said, “30 dirham is OK.”
I could imagine my personality would be changed if I lived in Dubai for a year. When I spoke about this to my friend, she said, “Well done!” We spoke about her life in Dubai and my life in Manchester for a while. And she asked me, “Do you think my personality has changed?” I thought about it for a while and answered, “No, I don’t think so.” I actually didn’t feel that we hadn’t met for a year. I also asked, “By the way, do you think I’ve changed after living in Manchester for a year?” She said “No, not at all.” immediately. We might use different aspects of our personality in foreign countries however the very basic personality wouldn’t be changed easily.
One of the interesting things to do in Dubai was going to the desert and riding on a camel. I could register for “the Desert tour” at the hotel reception. I went to make the reservation with my friend, but I hesitated to join the tour. I had two choices: joining the tour alone, or not going. My friend had work and she wouldn’t come with me. A receptionist told me, “Don’t hesitate to join the tour, you’re not the only person who would go to the desert. There are many people who will join the tour. You could make friends there.” If it was just two or three hours sightseeing at the desert, I could join it easily. However the tour was half a day long and included a BBQ dinner at the desert. I was worried that if I were all alone it would be long and lonely. My friend told me, “If you wanted to go to the desert, you should join the tour.” After consideration, my desire to go to the desert won to all my worrying about the tour. Finally I decided to join it.
On the day of the tour, I was nervous until the tour guide/driver picked me up at the hotel. He was kind and recommended me to sit in the front seat. He stopped by two other hotels and picked up five other passengers. One of them was an arrogant man and he insisted on sitting in the front seat. The driver could have asked me to move to the back seat, but he refused the request from the arrogant man. After an hour driving, our car stopped at a small shop and took a break. When I was back at the car, the arrogant man took the front seat. I actually didn’t care to sit in the back seat but I disliked his attitude. He didn’t ask me to change the seat but just sat in the front seat. When the driver saw me he let the arrogant man move to the back seat. The driver whispered to me, “I told the guy that you reserved the front seat. So you don’t need to be worried about your seat. It’s yours.” Of course I didn’t make any special reservation, but I appreciated his kindness. Except the arrogant man, all passengers were very nice. After arriving at the desert, we were gathered around our guide/driver and took photos of each other and enjoyed talking. I didn’t need to be worried about being alone.
The camel ride was really comfortable for me. I couldn’t walk well on sand but the camel moved smoothly. Also I could enjoy good scenery from their back. I felt like I was a queen in the desert.
About the water pipe, I had no idea about it. I didn’t even know whether I should inhale or exhale when I used the water pipe. I saw bubbles in a bottle, so I exhaled for a while.
However I naturally noticed that exhaling made nothing. I realised I should inhale. I inhaled a bit. The flavour was apple. I’ve never smoked even normal tobacco, so I didn’t know how I could enjoy smoking a water pipe. Anyway I enjoyed the atmosphere.
I actually missed a very important moment. I didn’t notice the sunset. I saw lots of beautiful photos of sunset in the desert. I should have taken wonderful sunset photos there. However when I noticed, it was already dark. I still don’t know why I didn’t notice it.
After becoming dark, a belly dance show started. The dancer was obviously different from the photo on the brochure. On the photo, the dancer was slim and beautiful. However the dancer in front of me was a bit scary. After her dancing, she encouraged everybody to come to the stage and dance together. I was more interested in the BBQ than dancing. So I didn’t join it.
The BBQ dinner wasn’t what I imagined. The staff prepared the BBQ meal and served it on our individual plates. It was like a cafeteria buffet.
But it was an interesting event that over 100 people gathered at one place in the middle of desert for from all over the world. And probably I would never be able to see any of them in future.I watched football games, Euro Cup 2008, and Wimbledon Tennis. I did not watch these games when I was in Japan. What happened to me?
One of the main reasons is that I try to act like British people. They enjoy watching these games, so I would like to share their feelings. Also it is a good topic when I do not have any common things to talk about. I can talk about sports without worrying about complicated matters like politics or religion.
If I watched games more, I would understand the rules better. I am gradually getting in to watching football and tennis. Still I never have tried to watch Cricket. Once my English teacher explained about the rules, but none of class mates understood it. I imaged that its rules are similar to those of baseball.
In Europe, many people do not even know the rules of baseball. Once I tried to explain to my friend about baseball. In my opinion, baseball is good, not only physical, but also mental. Each player is more concerned about winning for the team than about their own glory. This kind of mental team-play has strong connections to the Japanese way of thinking. That is why the Japanese love baseball. However my friend told me, “If you're talking about team-play, football is also team play. We cannot play it alone. And you say baseball matches the Japanese way of thinking, but it came from America.” I see. Football could be more popular than baseball in Japan soon. Actually for the younger generation, football may have already became more popular than baseball.Since I quitted my part time job in April, I've been attending free English classes. It's “first come first serve”. So I should be there approximately 40 minutes before the class and wait until it starts. I spend this waiting time chatting with my class mates. Sometimes I talk too much before the class and am quiet during the class.
Japanese students usually try to answer correctly. I try to find the answer that the teacher expects to hear. Because I take a long time to answer, I miss my chance to speak in the class. Other students speak out whatever they think. I don’t think I could speak anything in the class, but I should speak if I have some ideas. Anyway I am happy to see people and listen to the stories about their countries. We have a different six teachers every two weeks. Every teacher has a different accent. Thanks to this class, I’m getting used to British accent. Once I start to like British accent, I like British people. Although, I still have many things to complain about. For example after waiting eight months, I'm still on the waiting list for the dentist. The registration procedures for the dentist never end. In my flat, one of three lights in the kitchen is broken and one of two rolling curtain is also broken. I have complained about these problems twice, however, they have not been fixed yet. I dislike these things. Of course I still can't say I like this, but now I can accept this.
I just finished my English classes from a volunteer teacher. In the last class, our teacher asked us “Did you improve your English?” My answer was “I’d thought I would have improved my English more.” All of my classmates had the same impression. We were happy with our English teacher. He always brought interesting topics like recycling, foods, art and education systems. The classmates were coming from all over the world. Sometimes I had different ideas from them. I enjoyed talking about these topics and listening to other's opinions. All of my classmates really enjoyed our class, but we’ve never been satisfied our English. Even I could talk about some specific topics it didn't help understanding daily conversation. As my excuses, people in Manchester speak very fast. They are talkative and speaking to me, but they don't care whether I understand them or not. Even though I didn't understand what they said, I pretended like I understood. And the conversation was over. It was frustrating.
When I watched TV at home, I didn't fully understand the story. I needed to read subtitles. It was tiring. Yes, I’m lazy. I had dreamed that after staying one year in England, I could be a fluent English speaker. It's been one year since I came here. However, it didn't happen to me. Sometimes I feel happy about my speaking, but still I don't feel any progress in English.
In my daily life, I'm not expected to speak fluent English. All I'm expected to speak is short clear sentences. So it doesn't help in improving my English.
I'm not saying I'd like to speak like a politician, but I'd like to communicate with local people without a problem. I'll stay here more, so I wish I could improve my English before coming back to Japan.
He cares about fashion very much. He usually wears stylish clothes. I couldn’t believe he wanted to get these, so I thought he must have been joking. However he told me, “That’s the T-shirts I wanted to get.” I told him, “Well, if you like it.”
What do you think?
“The Lion King” show was finished at 6:00pm. My bus back to Manchester would leave at 7:00pm. I thought I had enough time to go to Japan Centre which was the biggest Japanese shop in the U.K. I wanted to buy a book written by Haruki Murakami. His novels are popular not only in Japan but also all over the world. My friend, Belle recommended me to read “The wind-up bird Chronicle”, ねじまき鳥クロニクル. She told me, “The main character in the story quit his work and the situation is just like you.” It sounded interesting to me.
I should have known the directions to Japan Centre because I went there in April. Although it was not smooth, I found the shop. The book was priced more than double compared with the Japanese original price. However I needed the Japanese edition. When I bought the book I heard the announcement in the shop, “Now all sushi is 50% off.” It was a good idea to have half priced sushi and have it on the bus on my way back. However, there was a LONG queue for buying shushi. If I waited it, I might miss my bus. I was fascinated by 50% off priced sushi, but I gave it up and went back to Victoria station. It was the same bus terminal where I got off the bus from Manchester that morning. I tried to remember the way from the bus terminal to Victoria station. It did not work. I could not find the way to the coach bus terminal. I asked people how to get there. They were kind and told me the way to go. I followed the directions but I just found the local bus terminal. I asked some other people. Everybody pointed to the same direction. So the directions should have been correct. I did not ask about the distance, but I thought it was not so far away. I started to think what should I do if I miss my bus?
It was 6:45pm. Anyway I kept running in the direction where the bus terminal should be. Finally I saw a National Express bus coming out from the corner. The bus terminal must be over there. I felt shame. Nobody was running around Victoria station except me. When I got to the terminal, I was very happy. I checked terminal number of the Manchester departure on electric signboard. The terminal number was 18. All I had to do was go to the terminal 18 and get on the bus. Yes, I made it!
It was 6:55pm. It was better to go to the toilet before the long trip. So I went to the toilet and went to the terminal just before departing time. I saw the destination of terminal 18. It was shown “Rochdale”. WHAT? It should be “Manchester”. I was in a panic. I checked the destinations of terminal 17, 19 and 20. I could not find Manchester. It was almost departing time. The electric signboard for all the destinations was in the main entrance. It was a big bus terminal. If I went back there to check the terminal number, I would not catch the bus. I read Manchester was terminal 18.
Why it was shown Rochdale?
Where is Rochdale?
I came closer to Rochdale sign. And I found small letters written “via Manchester”. Oh, my goodness. I made it!
In many cases British transportations are behind schedule, but this bus left on time. I came back to Manchester on time.