Animals are very friendly.

Baboons are too friendly.
Rhinoceros run on drive way.

I watched a movie called “Jumper.” It starts playing on the 7th of March in Japan. It started on the 14th of February here. I checked the official Japanese web site before watching the movie. It’s helpful to understand the story without Japanese subtitles. I thought this must be an interesting movie.
I’m not telling the story because I may have not understood the full story well. Still I have some particular complaints about this movie. In the movie, the jumpers jump into Tokyo. Before they jump, one of them says “I’m going to China.” And they jumped into a ramen noodle shop in Japan. I knew ramen was translated as Chinese noodle in English, but I saw Japanese word “ラーメン” (ramen) at the shop and people at the shop spoke Japanese. I don’t care much that European people can't distinguish between China and Japan. However this is the movie with a big budget. If anyone could check it, it was easy to find the mistake. It’s obvious that they didn’t go to Japan or China for movie shooting. I thought it was taken on a blue screen. That was also disappointing. In addition, I didn’t understand why they drove Mercedes Benz in Tokyo? Although it is one of the best cars in the world, when they come to Japan, I prefer them to drive Japanese car. I can’t find the reason they jump into Japan. It could be to put scenes in Tokyo for getting better box-office record in Japan. The director may think this is a big scaled movie and I shouldn’t care much about tiny things. Yes, actually it’s a cool movie. All actors and actresses were attractive and there were beautiful scenes. I don’t say I didn’t enjoy watching it. On the other side, I can’t stop complaining about the lack of detail.