I started to read the graphic novel “V for Vendetta” on 5th November and finished reading it on 28th November. As I’m a very slow reader, a month was reasonably quick for me and I’m happy that I could understand most of it. I skipped some parts because two characters spoke with strong dialects for instance:
Unfortunately for me these are accents from the Northern part of England including Manchester. Now I understand why I don’t catch people’s words in daily life. Of course I’m not saying everybody speaks this way, but I overhear these words many times and I still can’t translate them well. When I came to Manchester I got a shock because I couldn’t understand people’ speak, but if I went home and watched TV, I could understand TV or News. Every time I speak with Japanese friends in Manchester I asked “Do people in Manchester speak English? Can you understand them? ”. All of my friends are struggling with the strong accent.
Let’s try to translate a phrase with my friend’s help.
The above phrase is translated to:
“No, that’s Jim’s bird, what’s her name, Dyane...”
I also should have known “bird” means “girlfriend” which my Japanese English teachers didn’t teach me at school. I still have to learn so many words to fully understand daily conversation. This graphic novel gave me some opportunities to think about that.
To better understand the story, I also watched the movie “V for Vendetta” which was produced by Warner Brother’s. The story is based on the graphic novel but adapted with extra romance and a dramatic ending for the cinema. After watching the movie, I was thinking about these differences, in the original story the girl, Evey was weak and small but after her ordeals with V, she changed into someone much stronger, however, in the movie, the same girl was played by Natalie Portman and she was already strong enough from the first scene. In the book, Evey was attracted by V, but it wasn’t romance as was portrayed in the movie. I read the book using a dictionary, but it doesn’t help explain everything I don’t fully understand. The movie revealed me different aspects and gave me “food for thought” regarding the story; it helped me to understand it better.