Someone knocked a door. The door to my room and the neighbour’s one are next to each other. Every time someone knocks the next door, I’m surprised at the sound. But today, someone kept knocking the door, not the next door. I went to the door and peeped out through the spyglass. At first I didn’t see anyone, so I left, then someone knocked the door again. I peeped out again and saw someone stood in front of my door. WHO??
I opened the door and the guy said, “I live next to you.” This is the first time to see my neighbour. In Japan, we have a custom to say hello when we move in, but I don’t know if there is a similar custom in England. Anyway, this is not for greeting. He just asked the condition of my TV. He said his TV didn’t work well. He wanted to make sure the problem is either at only his room or the whole apartment. My TV worked without a problem, so I answered to him. He thanked me and went back his room. We didn’t even exchange our names. Anyway, it’s nice to knows who lives next to me.

There is no door knob on the door. It’s closed automatically. I live in the second floor (i.e. the third floor in Japan), but the room number doesn’t refer to the floor number; the tenth digit is 4, not 2. It’s strange to me.
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