Day1 in Munich
I saw Thomas. I haven’t seen him for 8 years! During his stay in Japan, he told me how beautiful the places in Munich are. He also told me whenever I visit Munich, he will welcome me. Finally I could visit and see him again. It’s impressive that he welcomes me after 8 years.

Christina and Thomas cooked dinner for me. The fish was from Isar river. Since I left Japan, I haven’t eaten tasty fish, so this is very special for me. It’s very tasty!

Day 2 in Munich
We went to the Neuschwanstein castle. It’s so beautiful. We joined a guide tour but it’s not allowed to take a photo inside.

Day 3 in Munich
Breakfast: Yes, I kept eating from morning till night.... I miss all tasty foods in Germany.

We went to hiking. We could enjoy the wonderful view from top of the mountain.

On our way down, we enjoyed riding a wheeled bobsled.
Day 4 from Munich to Karlsruhe
I saw Martin in Karlsruhe. He arranged tickets from Munich to Karlsruhe and place to stay in Karlsruhe. He also arranged to see his charming wife, Benjamin and Kai at dinner. It was a wonderful reunion!
Day 5 trip to France
Martin took us to Strasbourg. I had my passport with me, but no one check my passport when I cross border between Germany and France. Neither German nor French I understand, I just recognise people speak French there by the sound. Martin spoke French and he arranged everything for us again.

In the evening, we got on a night train to our final destination, Dresden.
Day 6 in Dresden
I wanted to see this painting. This is why I visited Dresden.

Day 7
Now I am back to Manchester and my lost in translation in Manchester will be continued.
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