Monday, 19 April 2010

Ash from Volcano-2

My boss came back to Manchester on Saturday from Amsterdam. He was supposed to come back on Thursday however because of ash from volcano his flight was canceled. When he got on an airplane in Japan, nothing had happened. After taking off, he heard the announcement about volcanic explosion in the airplane. It said, “we’re landing Amsterdam without problem however all connected flight will be canceled due to volcanic explosion in Iceland.” At first he thought he would be able to fly next day so he stayed in Amsterdam. However on the next day the situation didn’t change any better. Luckily he has many friends in Europe because of his work. One of his business partners was planning to move from Czech to London by car so he got on a taxi and moved to Brussels to get on his friend’s car there however his taxi was not fast enough to catch up his friend. His friend had already booked train ticket for his car so he couldn’t wait my boss. My boss gave up coming back to UK with him and stayed another night in Brussels. From Brussels, there were still available Euro star tickets for business class so he bought it and somehow came back to Manchester. He spend 600-700 euro for taxi, hotel and train fee. These are not refundable. His luggage from Japan is still trapped in Amsterdam. Even so he is very happy coming back to Manchester anyway.
Manchester airport is still closed. I really wish my friends will come back to Manchester ASAP without spending extra fee.

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