Friday, 2 September 2011

Continuing Leaving Procedures

After 30 people came to check my place, finally someone took it. My estate agency won’t bother me by viewing my place anymore.
I started to make phone calls to the water company, electricity company, internet provider, TV license and council tax to inform them about my leaving. I also tried to find someone who can use my items such as bookshelves, a music keyboard, a microwave, a desk, a printer and so on. Some of them were taken by my friends, and my English teacher gave me information on how to donate useful items for a certain organization. I will arrange this.
I try to meet up with my friends in Manchester however I found out that two of my friends are on holiday and won’t be back until the end of September. So I can’t see them before I leave. I also try to meet up with my friend who is living in Italy. However she has made plans to visit Japan so we couldn’t make plans to meet up. Now I have booked a trip to Ireland instead where I always wanted to visit.
The day I am leaving Manchester is confirmed to be on 21st September, which is in less than three weeks. I have some good friends in Manchester and the fact that I have to leave breaks my heart.


hagi said...

Hello Eriko,
I am so glad to find your blog but sad to know you're just leaving Manchester, because I've just come from Japan to Manchester.
You're a good senior of mine. I'll read this blog precisely.

I'm looking for a good hair salon and found your article in 2009.
I would really like to see a Japanese hairdresser because of my hair problem.
Is the e-mail address you referred at that time still available?
If so, I would like to send an email.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Eriko said...

It's great to know that I can provide some useful information. Yes, the email address is still active and I just got my hair cut from the same Japanese hairdresser:)